Altar and Apothecary Setup

☽ Setup ~ Venerational ~ Ancestral ~ Veilwork ☾

Setting up altars indoors and outdoors, along with the apothecary usually were altars are within (Well in my setup anyway). Covering basic arrangement, storage, altar tables, Deity altars, Altar decoration with tips, Altar cloths – bot DIY and bought, Maintenance and Altar tool layouts.

Altar arrangement

Altar Storage

Altar Tables

Deity Altars

Deity dedication altars
(Besides the main working altar/room, I do have a bedroom altar dedicated to the Morrigan & goddesses, a smaller one for the deity of the season in the altar room, a tiny one to the goddess in the bathroom and a small kitchen magick one)

Decorating Altars

Altar Cloths and Runners

Altar Maintenance and Layout

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